A Supportive Collaboration
The Our Fund Foundation/Community Foundation of Broward Funders Collaborative sets a collective goal of creating a more informed and empathetic general populace in Broward County that is supportive of protecting the civil liberties and expression of LGBTQ people living in Broward County.

Request for Proposal
Focus: Building Paths to Equity in the LGBTQ Community
At a time when the national political discourse is re-engaging discussions about the basic civil liberties afforded to LGBTQ citizens, it is of critical importance to the well-being of all Broward residents that we work collectively to end discrimination against LGBTQ people.
Broward County has the highest percentage of gay households in Florida and one of the highest in the country. Fort Lauderdale, the county seat of Broward County, was the one of the first to legalize protection from discrimination based on sexual orientation and its school district was among the first to support LGBTQ History Month in October. Broward welcomes more than 1.1 million LGBTQ visitors annually, making LGBTQ tourism an economic generator of the region.
While the affluence of a segment of Broward’s LGBTQ community is highly visible, LGBTQ people in Broward and across the country remain a marginalized class and vulnerable population. Actions and policies being discussed in the political discourse are expected to further exacerbate disparities imposed upon LGBTQ people, including in health, income, education, and safety.
For these reasons and for the safety and well-being of all Broward residents, it is imperative that we engage and expand integration of LGBTQ equity initiatives aimed at the whole community into our community investment priorities.

Deadline and Timeline
Grant Overview
September 26, 2024, at 10:00 AM
Link to recording here.
Agencies interested in applying for and receiving grants from the LGBTQ Social Justice & Equity Fund are encouraged to attend to have questions answered about the application, process, and priorities for the LGBTQ Social Justice & Equity Fund grants.
LOI Opens
September 30, 2024
LOI Deadline
October 25, 2024, at 11:59 PM
Application Opens
November 4, 2024
Application Deadline
December 4, 2024, at 11:59 PM
Funding and Grant Award Announcements (tentative)
February 2025
For more information email: Obed Caballero, Grant Administration at ocaballero@theourfund.org.
On our application submission page, if you already have a user account, please sign in. If you are new to the site, please create a user to get access to the application.